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Bow Down To Dobby

I bet you did not know this...but Sprite and Dobby (from Harry Potter) are best friends...therefore it is only right that Dobby is included on this wonderful site of sprite worship.

Bow down to him, stare in wonder, he is sexy, noh?

Dobby does not have wings, unlike Sprite, he does, however, have funky eyes that make epileptic people spaz. And for that he is cool.

Look at the sparky sparky...ooeeer...

Mr. Techo Roll is God in roll form o.O

Mr. Techo Roll was created by the weird and wonderful Leanne.

He is copyrighted so don't take it fucktards! :o

Anyway, as I was saying....he is a roll. He is now in dumpster land, but he still lives. We believe he is God in his roll form...look at his wonderful face, how could that not be something mighty and god-like?!

Techno Roll Dance

Mr. Techno Roll can dance...didn't ya know.

Not many rolls can dance, this is why he is so special. You cannot do his dance, because it's too sexy for you. -_-

So don't be all hardcore and try it, because you will fail, and then you will be sad.

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