Sign Or We'll Eat You
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Do a good deed for the day and sign our jenga guestbook. Yep, we have a guestbook, because we are cool like that. The chances of being cool, depend on whether you actually put something in it. So, it's up to you really. Carrots are crunchy and turn you orange, common fact.

I am going to eat your toes.

To be cool like us, view the nang guestbook on this link:

Where are
you from:

I'm too sexy for your car, too sexy for your money, too sexy for your party, to sexy for your pizza, too sexy for your mother, too sexy for you cardigan, too sexy for everything because I am sex baby.

Cathy R's. wisdom brought to fame:

Harry was a spider, and he lived in a hole. He lived all alone in a dark, dark whole. It was a hole in a wall. It was the wall of a stomach. It was the wall of the stomach of God. God was a jack-in-the-box, And he popped up everywhere. One day, harry woke up to find hundreds of people floating around him like phosphorescence. God had swallowed all the people in the world because they were pissing him off. The end

*Genius - Apparently people are yellow. But it's ok, Life's still purple.

money is a polystyrene coat, people are like phosphorescence