Le ping pong wobbly wobble jiggle shniggle
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This is what happens when you give a page to Blaise...

And to the left we have a le beable being all beablish in her world of bumblings. And down below is some things she likes...

Squiggle et miggle with thiggles and jiggles Squiggle et miggle with thiggles and jiggles Squiggle et miggle with thiggles and jiggles Zipppyyy Zipppyyy Zipppyyy ZZZzzZzziIiIiIipPPpPpPpyYyyYyyYyyyyyy!!1111

The magic roundabout is heavy sheet bruv! Don't mess with me, I'm seriouz bout'z the hole pro dawg. Pshh, it's lyke, seriouz stuff, don't mess wid'it. It'sh nang bro, freakin nang. Nah nah bro. Don't mess wid'it.

The clllaaaannnngggggeeeerrrsss are amazing. mkay? yesh thankyoupleash kthnxbi. *Sings the theme tune aloud and everyone sways in the background* Jam *spasm*

Click ok, and there you go!!!!!!!!

One of the greatest movies of our time. Go Disney go go go!!!! The little mermaid is the best, everyone has to agree because it's just so good like that.

A wonderful potrait of myself, drawn by the fantastic aimee who will indeed be recieving a lot of bling bling in her future career. Squiggle et miggle with thiggles and jiggles...

Eat my pants, eat my pants eat my PANTS! And my feet, eat my feet and my toes!